Companies selling merchandise or products online need all the help they can get inviting people to their web site to make a purchase. There is an old internet marketing conclusion that says no matter how good the web site or how good the product, without visitors a web site is a waste of time and effort. Imagine a billboard along the side of the road and the road is closed. If no one travels down the road, they will not the see billboard.
A web site is a virtual billboard on the side of the internet highway and the goal of internet marketing is to get people to travel down that road. Once they find the site they can then make a choice about whether to buy from the company or not, but the first concern needs to be getting people to their site.
With millions of internet web sites the odds of stumbling across one that is not part of any internet marketing network is essentially zero. Internet marketing drives the customers to the site and a string network promotes the company that operates the site. Having it all work together is what drives sales and multilevel marketing is ab out the fastest way of building that strong network.
Everyone who joins in the network wants to make money and will have their own web site promoting the company and/or the product. Their problem is that everyone who is part of the network will be vying for the same internet customers and trying to promote their individual site so the sales are credited to them. Each owner of the site will be marketing their own business page while the main company wins all the way around. The network member with the best marketing plan wins while the others may either beef up their marketing effort or move on to a different multilevel marketing program.
This is probably where most new internet marketing people lose their interest in the online sales business. They do not know enough about how to promote their web site and watch as others become successful selling the exact same product. After asking themselves what they are doing wrong for a few weeks, they will usually blame the product, the main company or the entire process, unwilling to accept their own inability to market their business successfully.
As they drop out and move on, someone else who sees the success of the remaining marketers are willing to take their place in the profit leg of one of the successful business owners. Most of the ones who leave are unable to admit defeat because of their own failings and convince themselves they can do better with a different program or a different product line. After all, it is not their fault their business did not make it.
Perhaps it is the term marketing that confuses people and the word advertising simple sounds expensive to many. The term promotion can be substituted for either of the terms as the end result is essentially the same. The difference is internet marketing is today’s buzzword while promotions ended when the internet began.