วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Affiliates - Your Free Way To Web Income

By: Ian Stables
If you're looking for a way to earn your living from the internet then there is no better and easier way than this. What's great is there's no product to make and it's FREE. You get paid instead.Let's first look at what it takes in order to make money the traditional way...Because there's so much competition on the net you need to offer many products in order to earn a reasonable living. Do you want to spend a lot of time creating these? If you do then fine, but be prepared for a lot of hard work, research and a long wait for results.Imagine instantly acquiring 10, 20, 50, 100, or even 1000s of desirable products. You simply put them up for sale and kaboom you're an instant success. Your income automatically comes to you without even sending a single product or sending a single invoice.Or imagine this...You get a job as a salesman but instead of being limited to one product that someone might or might not want. You have a product for everyone. You'll always have a customer. Every day!Then imagine getting home from the pub or back from holiday. You switch on your computer and check to see how much your bank balance has increased.HOW IT WORKSYou copy and paste an affiliate link and short recommendation into your website that you create. (Visit Tripod's website and you can have a website for free.) They all offer this written up for you. You just copy and paste.Then advertise your site to get customers.The best way to advertise your site is by writing short useful articles with a link back to your website. Then simply post the article to as many article sites as possible. They're all free.Every time someone reads your article they'll most probably click the link in your resource box and visit your site.Also in every email you send to anyone have your website link in that as well.The easiest way to do this is by setting up a sig file in your email program. Look at the help to find out how to do this.Then every time you send an email your website link will be included.HOW YOU DO ITThere are 2 ways.Method #1You can search the internet looking at many different products for sale that offer an affiliate program. Believe me, this takes time. I've tried it.Each time you find one, you sign up.Every time someone clicks your link and buys from the site you earn a commission. Simple!Method #2You use a free service which is a web site that has lots of companies with a product offering an affiliate program.There are many available.Click the link at the bottom of this article for the one, in my opinion, is the best I've found. IT'S FREE.To sign up you don't need to provide any credit card details, so it's completely safe. You will however need a Paypal account. You just tell them the Paypal email address to pay the funds.If you don't like Paypal they have a few other options.And, oh yes. It's free to join.When you've joined simply click the marketplace tab and scan the products. Any item you wish to promote you simply click the promote button. You are then given your affiliate URL and all the sales patter you want. Or you can make up your own.Simple! You've got nothing to lose. Sign up now (IT'S FREE) and you'll soon be agreeing with me that this is the simplest and most effective way of earning a living from the internet.Good luck! Ian Stables

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content
